Trade fairs
BRAUN Maschinenbau is represented at the following trade fairs:
Agrartage Rheinhessen | Nieder-Olm
Intervitis Interfructa | Stuttgart
Veitshöchheimer Weinbautage | Veitshöchheim
Winzer-Service Messe | Karlsruhe
Sitevi Montpellier | France
Vinitech Sifel Bordeaux | France
Agriacma Mezzocorona/Trient | Italy
Agriest Tech | Italy
Enovitis Milano | Italy
Enolitech & Vinitaly | Italy
Interpoma Bozen | Italy
Expovin Moldova | Moldova
Austro Agrar | Austria
VinTest Bukarest | Romania
YugAgro | Russia
FIMA Zaragoza | Spain
AgroMashExpo | Hungary
We look forward to seeing you!